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發布時間:2020-05-10 09:12編輯:融躍教育FRM


Each of the following is true about the internal ratings-based (IRB) approaches to credit risk under Basel III, except which is false?

A) In both approaches (FIRB and AIRB) each debt is assigned a probability of default (PD) according to the bank’s internal rating system

B) In both approaches (FIRB and AIRB) the goal is to compute a credit risk charge that supports unexpected credit losses at a 99.9% confidence level over a one-year horizon

C) In both approaches (FIRB and AIRB) the credit risk function is a multi-factor(APT) model which does not assume the credit portfolio is diversified【資料下載】[融躍財經]FRM一級ya題-pdf版

D) In foundation internal ratings-based (IRB) approach, default probability (PD) is assigned by the bank’s internal model; but exposure at default (EAD) is based on credit conversion factors (CCF), LGD is set to either 45% or 75%,and residual maturity is generally fixed at 2.5 years


解析:The supervisor’s duties as Dart of the supervisory review process include: Check compliance with Pillars I and III of Basel II Accord. Which would include credit risk mitigation and transparency requirements. Review internal control systems. Access internal capital management methods employed by the bank. So I and II are correct. Note that the foundation IRB approach. The bank provides its estimates for PD but uses supervisory estimates for LGD and EAD for corporate loans. So III is incorrect. Also, the impact of interest rate risk on the bank’s capital position must be accessed by determining the impact of a 200 basis Point shock or its equivalent. So IV is also correct. Therefore, the correct answer for this question is choice C. 


關鍵詞 : FRM真題


下一篇:FRM考試中,real risk-free rate決定因素是什么?




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