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FRM考試 Hedging Using Futures Contract相關內容介紹!

發布時間:2020-06-10 09:32編輯:融躍教育FRM

FRM一級考試中,Hedging Using Futures Contract是其中內容之一。備考中的考生要對其內容有所了解。下文是小編為你介紹的相關內容,一起了解一下!

Short Hedges:

A short position in futures contracts;

Appropriate when the hedger already owns anasset and expects to sell it at some time in thefuture;

Long Hedges: ?

A long position in a futures contract;

Appropriate when a company knows it will have to purchase a certain asset in the future and wants to lock in a price now;

Arguments for hedging:

Reduce price risk;

Less uncertainty;


Arguments against hedging:

less profitability;

shareholders can easily hedge risk;

nature of the hedging company’s industry;

Basis Concept:


Basis =0 at maturity;

spot price increases faster(slower) than the futures price over the hedging horizon, basis increases(decreases);

Problems give rise to basis risk:【資料下載】點擊下載FRM二級思維導圖PDF版

The asset whose price is to be hedged may not be exactly the same as the asset underlying the futures contract;

There may be uncertainty as to the exact date when the asset will be bought or sold;

The hedge may require the futures contract to be closed out before its delivery month;


關鍵詞 : FRM考試

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