發布時間:2020-07-22 13:47編輯:融躍教育FRM
Which of the following is a true statement about expected shortfall (ES)?
A) ES is a coherent spectral measure which gives equal weight to the tail quantiles
B) ES is a coherent spectral measure which gives increasingly greater weight to higher tail quantiles
C) ES is a coherent spectral measure but gives decreasingly less weight to higher tail quantiles
D) ES is coherent, VaR is not coherent, and neither are spectral measures
解析:ES is a coherent spectral measure which gives equal weight to the tail quantiles. The general class is spectral measures, which contain a weighting function. Both ES and VaR are special cases of a spectral measure (the spectral function generalized both ES & VaR). Spectral measures are coherent under conditions that are met by ES but not by VaR; “Spectral” is associated with, but does not necessarily imply, coherence.【資料下載】[融躍財經]FRM一級ya題-pdf版
Which of the following statements is true about ES?
A) ES gives decreasingly less weight to higher tail quantiles.
B) ES gives equal weight to the tail quantiles.
C) ES gives increasingly greater weight to higher tail quantiles.
D) ES is not coherent.
解析:ES gives equal weight to the tail quantiles.
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