發布時間:2020-08-07 09:16編輯:融躍教育FRM
There are several different methods commonly used to compute value at risk (VaR). Which of the following statements best describes historical VaR? It is:
A) An analysis that looks for trends in VAR from period to period to predict future VAR.
B) An analysis used by regulators that compares current market risks to historical market risks.
C) Amethod that computes VAR by assuming that losses in the future will occur with the same frequency and magnitude as they have in the past.
D) An analysis used by investors that compares current market risks to historical market risks.
解析:This is the basic approach and assumption of historical VaR.
What is the primary difference between historical simulation and bootstrapped historical simulation?
A) Bootstrapping is non-parametric. 【資料下載】點擊下載GARP官方FRM二級練習題
B) Bootstrapping can be used to compute both value at risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES).
C) Bootstrapping does not require a variance-covariance matrix.
D) Bootstrapping generates multiple samples.
解析:In regard to (A), (B) and (C), each are true of both HS and bootstrapped HS (so they are not differences). But while historical simulation computes based on the single sample, bootstrapping generates multiple samples where each sample is drawn with replacement from the original historical data.
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