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學習FRM考試 Multivariate Random Variables能學到什么?

發布時間:2020-12-24 09:21編輯:融躍教育FRM

Multivariate Random Variables是FRM考試的內容,考生在備考中一定要對相關內容有所掌握。那么,學習FRM考試 Multivariate Random Variables能學到什么?看GARP協會如何說明?

After completing this reading, you should be able to:

? Explain how a probability matrix can be used to express a probability mass function.

? Compute the marginal and conditional distributions of a discrete bivariate random variable.

? Explain how the expectation of a function is computed for a bivariate discrete random variable.

? Define covariance and explain what it measures.

? Explain the relationship between the covariance and correlation of two random variables, and how these are related to the independence of the two variables.FRM通關備考禮包

? Explain the effects of applying linear transformations on the covariance and correlation between two random variables.

? Compute the variance of a weighted sum of two random variables.

? Compute the conditional expectation of a component of a bivariate random variable.

? Describe the features of an independent and identically distributed (iid) sequence of random variables.

? Explain how the iid property is helpful in computing the mean and variance of a sum of iid random variables.













關鍵詞 : FRM考試






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