發布時間:2020-05-27 09:04編輯:融躍教育FRM
"Factors are to assets what nutrients are to food." The theory of factor risk premiums includes each of the following three ideas EXCEPT which is not in the theory?
A) Assets are bundles of factors (just as most foods are combinations of nutrients)
B) Factors do matter but asset classes do not (just as healthy eating is about the nutrients not the labels)
C) Different investors prefer and/or need different factors (just as different people have different nutritional needs)
D) Because factors represent different good times, most investors should seek exposure to most investable factors (just as most people should seek a balanced diet of most nutrients)
解析:It is thematic inAng that factors compensate investors for exposure to the effects of "bad times." This book is wonderfully about risk! The preface begins "The two most important words in investing are bad times." Further, just as choice (C) is true, unlike descriptive CAPM (wherein all informed investors hold the same market portfolio), his theory does not advocate (normatively) that all investors should hold the market's entire (or predominant) set of factors.
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